Monday, January 20, 2020

[YOP] Week of January 25th, 2020

2 years??? I haven't made a post in 2 years??? My goodness...where have I been?

Well, long story short, I was sick and depressed for a year. I lost a really good job due to being so sick. It was a dark year. I don't want to share much about it, but let's just say it was bad.

But then things started to get better, I started to feel better, I started a new job, and things are overall much better. The only negative thing really, was the fact I lost my dear dog in later November. She had been declining for many years, and we knew it was finally time to let her rest. She was my first dog, and she broke my heart. Her brother is still around to comfort me, but it's just not the same. I am! Back to crafting, and sharing that crafting with you all.

Once my knitting mojo started to come back, I decided to start small and pick up some cotton and make some dishcloths. Here is my first one, my first finish of the year. If you are bothered by swear words you might not want to look...

This is for a Sassy Craft Along a friend is running, and it made me laugh. I know it will make the recipients laugh as well. I already cast on #2.

I also picked up the yarn required to make the Nightshift Shawl. I was so excited I cast on right away.

I am really liking the color combination, but I am thinking of swapping the background and the contrast color every block, so the next block will have the Noro in the background and the lime as the contrast.

What do you think? Or should I just keep the lime as the background the entire way?


  1. I am glad to hear you have risen out of the dark and depression. I have been there many times and I know the courage and strength it takes to carry on. Well done. So sorry about your dog, but the memory you made for her is beautiful. I love the shawl and the colours and I think it would be cool to switch the background and foreground colours as you go. I LOVE the sentiment on the dish cloth. I have a bracelet that says F*CK CANCER. It is written in quite a fancy script so it isn't obvious to read it - which is good when I am teaching students who are curious to know what it says! Welcome back - hope to see you here often in 2020

  2. I lost half a year last year to depression. It's hard to carry on but one day you'll look back and realize how much stronger you've become for making it through to the other side. You've given me quite an idea with that dishcloth, I might just have to make my own (no, I don't really like doing the dishes, how did you guess? LOL). Glad you are back to crafting.

  3. I'm sorry to read you were struggling, but so very glad to hear you are feeling better. Hugs to you over the loss of your beloved dog. The colors in your Nighshift Shawl are great together and I look forward to seeing how they shift! :)
